Clinical Canine Massage Therapy

I provide canine massage treatments in your own home and will work on either a massage table or the floor dependant on your dog, so I will need adequate space.  Initially, please contact me to discuss your dog's issues and we can arrange an appointment.  Prior to any massages taking place, a vet consent form needs to be completed and signed by both you and your vet and then returned to me.  Please click here for further information.  

Your First Treatment

Your first treatment will last approximately ninety minutes and will include:

  • Full consultation.  I will ask several questions regarding your dogs diet, exercise, activities or daily living, any games they play and where they sleep amongst others.  I will take a full medical history and further information about why you would like your dog to be massaged.  
  • Gait and Postural Analysis.  I will be watching how your dog moves in their general condition and looking for any irregularities, areas or injury and overcompensation.  To do this, I will ask you to move your dog towards and away from me in a walk and a trot.
  • Palpate your dog.  This involves running my hands over your dog to feel for tenderness and changes in temperature, texture and tone.  This can indicate muscle strains, scar tissue, trigger points, spasms and muscle wastage.  Ideally this will be performed with your dog standing up, however, I can do this with your dog laying down if they prefer this.
  • Full body massage.  Each treatment is tailored to meet the needs of your dog.  Your dogs health and wellbeing is my priority and I will be constantly checking your dogs responses and reassuring him to make him as comfortable as possible.  The treatment will last approximately fifty minutes.  
  • Post treatment.  I will explain my findings and any areas of concern or injury to you and give you every opportunity to ask questions.  I will provide aftercare instructions to continue with in between treatments so your dog will benefit as much as possible from the massages.    

Subsequent Treatments

If your dog is experiencing a muscular injury, I aim to improve this condition within one to three treatments carried out over a maximum of five weeks.  After the third treatment, I will write a report and forward it to your Vet so they are aware of the issues and my findings.

If your dog is suffering from an on-going orthopaedic condition, such as arthritis, he may benefit from regular massage treatments to assist with pain management and to help keep your dog comfortable.  The frequency of the treatments will be dependant on your dogs condition and its severity.  

If your dog participates in sport, it may be beneficial for him to have regular maintenance massages to prevent injuries.

Subsequent treatments last approximately one hour.