Please ensure that you read and understand all of the terms and conditions stated below as all clients are required to sign their acceptance as part of the consultation. 

1. The Fairy Dogmother will not confirm any booking until a consultation has been carried out with the Client and signed by the Client.

2. Full payment for the service is required before the service is carried out.

3. The Client must provide all necessary items for the pets to be adequately cared for in the clients absence (food, medication, lead, collar etc).  Should pets require any additional supplies whilst in the care of The Fairy Dogmother, these will be purchased and the client will be billed for these.

4. If it is necessary for keys to be picked up or dropped off in order the complete an assignment, charges may be applied for each trip.

5. The Client must provide The Fairy Dogmother with the name and contact number of someone capable of making a decision relating to the pet in an emergency.  If the contact is not available, The Fairy Dogmother reserves the right to consult with a veterinary surgeon and then make a decision which is in the best interest of the animal.

6. The Client is responsible for any veterinary bills, no matter how they are incurred, whilst pets are in the care of The Fairy Dogmother.

7. The Fairy Dogmother must be alerted to any behavioural problems with their pets during the consultation.  Failure to do so may result in additional charges or cancellation of any future bookings.

8. Although The Fairy Dogmother holds public liability insurance, pets must be insured by the Client.  The Fairy Dogmother reserves the right to refuse or cancel a booking for any animal that is not insured.

9. The Fairy Dogmother will care for your animal as you would, and whilst we make every effort to ensure your pet is well looked after in your absence, The Fairy Dogmother cannot be held liable for any loss, injury or death to a pet either inside or outside of the home whilst in our care.

10. If the Client wishes to cancel a booking seven days notice must be given.  If the required notice is not given, full charges will be applied.

11. All dogs being exercised must be fully vaccinated and The Fairy Dogmother will require sight of an up to date vaccination card.

12. All dogs being exercised must be on a regular flea and worming control regime.

13. All dogs being walked will undergo a trail period to ensure they are adequately trained and socialised.

14. The Fairy Dogmother reserves the right to cancel a contract at anytime and with immediate effect if the dog does not respond well to the walker and/or other dogs.

15. All dogs will be exercised on a lead unless prior agreement has been reached with The Fairy Dogmother and a disclaimer form has been signed.

16. The Fairy Dogmother will apply personal judgement and cut a walk short if necessary in the event of extreme weather conditions (heat/thunder storms) for the safety of both the dogs and The Fairy Dogmother.

17. It is the responsibility of the Client to inform The Fairy Dogmother of any medical illness or injury an exercised dog has.  If the illness is contagious and this is transmitted to other dogs, the Client will be responsible for any veterinary fees incurred as a result of this.  The Fairy Dogmother reserves the right to cancel a contract at anytime and with immediate effect if a dog is suffering from any illness or injury.

18. The Fairy Dogmother will make adequate steps to ensure your home is safe and secure in your absence, however, The Fairy Dogmother cannot be held responsible for any burglaries or accidents that may occur.

19. It is the Clients responsibility to ensure they advise The Fairy Dogmother when a bitch is in season.  If a bitch is in season, the arranged time of walks my alter.

20. Mileage charges will be applied for Clients living outside of a five mile radius of Sudbury.